[id(8), helpstring("Get list of files matching file spec")] HRESULT GetFiles([in] BSTR bstrFileSpec, [out,retval] BSTR* pbstrFiles);
[id(9), helpstring("Install the keyboard hook which provides full key support (DEL, arrows, etc)")] HRESULT InstallKeyboardHook([in] LPDISPATCH pDispDocument);
[id(10), helpstring("Register a key to be used with the Windows key to jump to the DQSD bar")] HRESULT RegisterHotKey([in] long hotkeyVkCode, [in] BSTR bstrModifierName, [in] LPDISPATCH pDispDocument);
[id(11), helpstring("Map a virtual key code to a character code to be sent to the DQSD bar")] HRESULT MapKeyCode(long lVKCode, long lCharCode);
[propget, id(12), helpstring("Check if the DLL is of at least the specified version")] HRESULT VersionIsCorrect(int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pVal);